Money Module
I Expand In Abundance Love and Success Everyday and Inspire Others To Do The Same
Welcome back….
Get ready for session 5!
Reflect on breakthroughs. CELEBRATE YOURSELF!
Read your love letter to money back to yourself. If you had received this from a lover how would it make you feel?
Spend a moment reflecting on how money may feel about you?
What new commitments do you make in your new relationship with money.
What are any actions you need to take o hold yourself accountable for your new commitments?
Tell others about your commitment, so that you can stop them if they start a negative money story and to remind you if you start one.
Write post it notes and put them up around your office or home where you will see them regularly.
State new commitments aloud in the morning as part of a morning routine.
Some examples of new commitments you may want to make:
– No bitching
– Feeling I do have enough and creating win wins
– Commitment to finding £500 per month for (insert the thing)
– Commitment to being open to new creative ideas and ways of making money.
– Commitment to believing in you.