Mystical Module 2
How to be the most authentic psychic in 3 fundamental steps!
Connect to your souls awareness, so that you can live each day in your soul aligned purpose.
Practical exercises for personal Transformation into clear psychic vessel.
Responsibility to being the best version of yourself, so that ou can heal yourself and others to the highest level.
Shadow Work Alchemy, so that you can step into your power.

How To Be the Most Authentic Psychic in 3 Fundamental Steps
Download the birds eye view of what is covered in this module HERE

Workshop Session 1 : Full day workshop on Awareness, Responsibility and Honesty!
This is a pre recorded session. Do’t worry you haven’t missed a live training.
I can fit more practical work in our live coaching. If I give you pre recorded content for the teachings.
This covers the 3 fundental steps to being your most authentic psychic. These 3 keys is ALL YOU NEED!
AWARENESS = Securty, Approval, Control
RESPONSIBILITY = Self Healing Cycle
HONESTY = Shadow work, noticing your judgements!
Self Healing Cycle Explained
This video should give you a clearer view of this process. We will go over it again, and journey to the directions as well. This is what was missed from our last live.
Clare J
Facilitator: Shamanic Practitioner and MESA Carrier. Founder of PASH Ceremony and creator of the Shamanic Shift.
Working Towards Oneness.
You are me and I am you.