Mystical Module 1
Please bare with the long video’s for now.
They will be edited and recorded again. Remember this is BETA so it’s just focused on CONTENT and what is in the course. Rather than, the added slides, visual, PDF’s and sheets to go with it. This will all be apart of the final version. Which is yet to come. You will have access to the final course as and when each module is finished.
Please use the video speed controller on google chrome to get through the long video’s quicker. Thank you.

Understanding Shamanism A Comprehensive Foundation
To download a copy of the birds eye view PDF of what is covered in module 1 CLICK HERE

Live Session 1 : An Introduction to the training
First Live Session, we cover some foundational understandnings of the work.
What is the vision or version of consiousness we are heading towards?
Sacred Geometry and oneness.
Live Session 2 : Module 1 Foundations
Everything you need to know to be abl eto do this work to an excetional standard.
Shamanic Lineages
Opening Space
Understanding Negativity
Clear Do’s & Dont’s
3 Part Being
Live Session 3 : Foundations Continued
Coming In Next Sunday’s Session!
Ego vs Soul
Divine Dycotemy
Remembering what you already Know
(The last few slides of this module, we go over in the Start of the live for the next module. So you’ll find this in module 2.)
Practical Exercise: Open Space For Yourself
Download your opening space sheet here.
Watch this extra video if you’d like some reminders and enjoy!

Bonus Video
The Sacred Geometry Multiverse
Clare J
Facilitator: Shamanic Practitioner and MESA Carrier. Founder of PASH Ceremony and creator of the Shamanic Shift.
Working Towards Oneness.
You are me and I am you.
You tube will show you other content on my channel after playing your module video’s. I would suggest not to click onto this and get distracted. Just click the x get rid of it and move on the next video in the module.
You can browse the youtube at another time.
TO PLAY THE VIDEOS FASTER: Simply click on the little round cog icon, bottom right hand side of the video, (settings) and select a faster playback speed!
If you have the chrome plug in. Press D on your keyboard to go faster and S on the keyboard to slow down.