Welcome to your replays access page.
I’ll upload content as soon as I can for you all.
Love LIVE Love
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Links for course:
Access Replays Page (this page): https://shamanicpractitioner.cc/login/
Zoom link to the Live Calls: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5547412181
Student Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/255237519061618/
Access pre-recorded Journey’s for homework and practice: https://shamanicpractitioner.cc/psychic-modules-library using the password: access
Sunday Session 1: Replay of our introduction call!
Sunday Session 2: Module 1
Note: Please remember these are preliminary slides. Depending on how the course develops these might be altered slightly for the final version. So these bullet poins are very basic and not very artistically done. But it is a working progress.
With Love